Friday, 8 February 2013

The Rouge Democracy

  Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those that have been tried (Winston Churchill). Democracy is the most destructive form of governments the civilization has offered. Democratic governments are the reason why rich get richer and poor stay poor.
  Democracy and Democrats are considered to be the most corrupt in the society. The system of Democracy is like a contract between the voters and the representatives. If any service, like the cable guy or a cleaner doesn't do their work you can terminate the contract. But in the case of Democracy the representative is voted to protect your interests. Though the contract is present the politician if not working as per the interest of it's voters the contract cannot be terminated. This is the problem why Democratic governments have no stop at what they do. The voter can not do any thing, because he is the reason because of which that fraud person is sitting on that chair.
  Democracy is the reason why organized crimes came into being. Big criminal activities depend on the authorities, and they are thriving today due to the free pass. Even freedom today has no freedom. The government claims to give us freedom but in return they give us more problems to worry. For example, politicians and their campaigns are fueled by huge corporates. Once elected these corporations can bend the laws to suck up the working class to an extent of modern day slavery. There is no going out of it. You are given no sort of freedom.
  It is said "with absolute power comes absolute corruption". This statement defines the true horror of what happens today in Democratic countries. Though other systems are bad but this system is a continuous, never ending chain of corruption. Each government comes with a mindset of the amount of corruption they need to feed their mouths. Due to that the corruption chain will never stop in Democracy.
  Democracy has gone rogue. The level of corruption needs to stop! It is destroying our community to the extent of being un-repairable. The damage will be very bad if necessary steps are not taken quickly. Corruption needs to be wiped from it's very core. The removal of such a disease is our responsibility. Democracy was our medicine for protection of freedom and now we need to cure the society from this lethal pandemic. The state does not command us! We command the state! We have rights and we are it's building blocks.

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