Sunday, 3 February 2013

Opportunities: Fighting for the Right

  Opportunities, a word taken for granted by some, while some might have never heard of it. Education opportunities, Job opportunities... does every one have equality in it?
  Opportunities are not equally distributed to everyone. Everyone has different sets of opportunities, and at some point everyone has to step back. Opportunities differ due to ethnicity, region race and even genders.
  Today, in the modern era we might think that difference has ended and everyone has been given equal rights, but their is always someone superior and someone is always inferior. The world today has many examples which we might ignore but the ones who are lacked of the opportunities know what it is like.

  Women in rural areas of countries like Pakistan and India are stripped of their right for education. The opportunity of these women for having better education and better lives is stolen from them. Malalah Yusaf Zai a women's education activist who lived under the rule of Taliban saw abd felt what her fellow women lacked in their lives. She chose to raise her voice because she felt the lack of opportunity women had in  her region.
  Before the revolution of equal right amongst races and the era of feminism, only white male of a certain age group had a say in the politics of the country. But through many decades voices like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela who ended the apartheid in South Africa rose for their equal rights. They got what they wanted... or did they?
  They wanted equality between classes, equality between colours, equality between genders. It has worked a lot and the worlds view has changed since then. But as we see today whites still seem to think as if they are superior than the black. Thinking of them as thugs or of low class. Muslims are given a common view of being terrorists. This sort of negative branding due to religion and ethnicity has caused to once again unstable the balance of equality. When will such sort of oppression end? no one has the answer...


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