Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Quaid-e-Azam A Personality unlike Any Other

The Personality of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah amazes me. When people in the whole nation were resisting the rule of the British Empire, he was with them but unlike others he never ever reacted outside the boundaries of the British Law. His Personality’s Political and Law abiding stance is one of the most unique things the world might have witnessed. Unlike other freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela Qaid-e-Azam’s way of gaining freedom was very different.
Mahatma Gandhi is famous for his struggle for Independence through non-violent protests. Though non-violent he did go to jail a lot… he spent estimated 7 years in jail during the fight for freedom. Likewise Nelson Mandela too had spent years in jail before the apartheid in South Africa finally lifted.
But, Quaid-e-Azam was different. What makes our nation’s Founding Father’s impeccable and inspiring personality so different? Mr. Jinnah, our beloved Founding Father is probably one of the only freedom fighters who never went to jail.
Mohammad Ali Jinnah through his study of law and his politically witted mindset beat the British at their own game. During the whole period of his influence in British ranks for a separate Islamic state he never broke a single law which the British imposed on the people of India. Due to playing a role with such impeccable political sanity he never ever during the whole fight for freedom went to jail. His calm and subtle trait was what led us to have one of the most inspiring Founders and one of the most empowering nation in the world, especially for the Muslim world.

A very happy birthday to our nation’s father, Mr.Jinnah.  I hope that one day each citizen of this nation will follow in the footsteps of our founding father Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and abide to the law even though of the enemy.